This wicker basket is overflowing with beauty and blossoms.
Country basket blooms.
Country basket blooms take a walk through a country meadow with this fresh flower basket.
It s no wonder two pretty butterflies have made this basket their home.
Pretty blooms of pink and purple nestle happily inside a natural gift basket as playful purple butterflies flutter overhead.
Fresh flowers including snapdragons alstroemeria mini carnations and matsumoto asters are assembled in a natural basket with decorative butterflies.
Country basket blooms hot pink spray roses light pink alstroemeria snapdragons and miniature carnations dark pink sweet william purple matsumoto asters large monte cassino asters statice and pittosporum fill a pretty picnic like basket.
Pretty blooms of pink and purple nestle happily inside a natural gift basket as playful purple butterflies flutter overhead.
It s no wonder two pretty butterflies have made this basket their home.
Take a walk through a country meadow with this fresh flower basket.
The scale of the arrangement should determine the type of substitution acceptable but the substitution must be of equal or greater value and must maintain the style and color harmony of the original order.
This wicker basket is overflowing with beauty and blossoms.